Active long-term drinking water advisories

Text alternative for Active long-term drinking water advisories
In British Columbia
0 active
20 lifted
In Alberta
0 active
4 lifted
In Saskatchewan
5 active in 4 communities
23 lifted
In Manitoba
5 active in 5 communities
13 lifted
In Ontario
24 active in 23 communities
77 lifted
In Quebec
0 active
3 lifted
In Atlantic Canada
1 active in 1 community
7 lifted
For the territories
There are either no long term drinking water advisories to address or drinking water advisories do not fall under federal jurisdiction.
Atlantic Canada
- Anishnaabeg of Naongashiing
- Bearskin Lake
- Cat Lake First Nation
- Chippewas of Georgina Island
- Chippewas of Nawash First Nation
- Chippewas of the Thames First Nation
- Deer Lake
- Eabametoong First Nation
- Gull Bay (Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek)
- Lac La Croix First Nation
- Marten Falls
- Munsee-Delaware Nation
- Muskrat Dam Lake
- Neskantaga First Nation
- Nibinamik First Nation
- North Caribou Lake
- North Spirit Lake
- Oneida Nation of the Thames
- Pikangikum First Nation
- Rainy River First Nations
- Sandy Lake
- Slate Falls Nation
- Wawakapewin