Deer Lake

Interim repairs to water treatment system complete; operational improvements ongoing
Project tracker
Projected lift date: TBD

Deer Lake First Nation in Ontario is home to 1,124 people on reserve. The community completed interim repairs to its water treatment system and is working to improve operations.
There is 1 long-term drinking water advisory affecting 225 homes and 5 community buildings:
- a boil water advisory was set on the Deer Lake Public Water System in October 2019 and became long-term in October 2020
Deer Lake First Nation completed interim repairs to its water treatment system. The community is working to address outstanding issues, including a recent issue with their filtration system. Consistent operations and monitoring are required before the advisory can be lifted.
Deer Lake receives operational support from the Centralized Water and Wastewater Hub, delivered by the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tribal Council and funded by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC). Through the hub, a certified water operator provides oversight of water and wastewater operations.
A feasibility study is also underway to examine the community's long-term needs and options, with funding from ISC.
Explore the map of long-term drinking water advisories on public systems on reserves.