Munsee-Delaware Nation

Repairs to the water treatment system complete, additional work underway

Project tracker

Projected lift date: December 2025


Home to 152 people on reserve, Munsee-Delaware Nation in Ontario has completed repairs to their water treatment plant, with funding from Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).

There is 1 long-term drinking water advisory affecting 46 homes and 1 community building:

The advisory was initially put in place due to high levels of manganese in the water supply. Repairs were completed to resolve the water quality issue. In October 2024, an Environmental Public Health Officer recommended the advisory be lifted, however, the advisory was not lifted at that time.

After an assessment of the water treatment plant, the community completed additional repairs. The community is developing an action plan to address new issues with water quality. Once resolved and water sampling is completed, the community should be able to lift the advisory.

Explore the map of long-term drinking water advisories on public systems on reserves.

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