Muskrat Dam Lake


Upgrades to the water treatment system complete

Project tracker

Projected lift date: TBD


Muskrat Dam Lake First Nation in Ontario is home to 261 people living on reserve. The community completed construction of a new water treatment plant as well as additional upgrades.

There is 1 long-term drinking water advisory affecting 88 homes and 5 community buildings:

  • a boil water advisory on the Muskrat Dam Public Water System was set in October 2003 and became long-term in October 2004

The water treatment plant was commissioned in July 2020 and the Certificate of Final Completion was issued in November 2020.

The Environmental Public Health Officer provided chief and council with a recommendation to lift the drinking water advisory in September 2020, however the advisory was not lifted at that time.

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) continues to support the community to address recently identified deficiencies in the plant. Once fixed and water testing complete, the Environmental Public Health Officer can issue a new recommendation for chief and council to lift the advisory. Operational support is provided through the Water and Wastewater Support Service Hub delivered by the Independent First Nations Alliance (IFNA) Tribal Council and funded by ISC.

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