Supporting Inuit children


The Inuit Child First Initiative ensures Inuit children have equal access to essential government funded health, social and educational products, services and supports.

Inuit Child First Initiative is free to access

There is no fee for Inuit children to access the Inuit Child First Initiative. Regional focal points and service coordinators will help you with a request for free. For help with a request or if you have questions, please contact us.

Help with requests

Each province and territory has a regional focal point to support applicants in accessing the Inuit Child First Initiative. Please submit your request for Inuit children to Indigenous Services Canada though the regional focal point for your province or territory. Your regional focal point for the Inuit Child First Initiative also supports Jordan's Principle, which follows a similar set of process steps. The process outlined below for the Inuit Child First Initiative is tailored specifically to Inuit children, and your regional focal point can provide further information and help you submit a request.

The Government of Canada is working with Inuit partners to develop a long-term Inuit-specific approach to help better address the unique health, social and education needs of Inuit children.

To submit a request

Updates on the Inuit Child First Initiative

Step 1. What is covered

Inuit Child First Initiative supports substantively equal access to a wide range of health, social and educational products, supports and services that respond to the unique situation and distinct needs of each Inuit child.

Each child's situation is unique. Please contact us to discuss what coverage is available based on the child's needs.

Some examples of what could be eligible for funding include:


  • mobility aids
  • child-specific addiction services
  • transportation to child-specific medical appointments
  • professional mental health services
  • assessments and screenings for a medical or educational need
  • medical supplies and equipment
  • medical respite care
  • therapeutic services (speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy)
  • wheelchair ramps


  • child-specific land-based activities
  • child-specific specialized programs based on cultural beliefs and practices


  • tutoring services
  • specialized school transportation
  • assessments and screening for educational needs
  • assistive technologies and electronics related to child-specific educational needs

What is not eligible to be funded

ISC will not approve funding for the following items unless such funding is required by substantive equality under the Inuit Child First Initiative:

  • purchase, construction or structural renovations of homes
  • requests to support sporting events or elite or competitive sport-related training, unless it is linked to the specific health, social or educational needs of the Inuk child
  • international travel, unless it is related to an exceptional medical need of the Inuk child
  • non-medical supports such as travel costs, non-medical respite care, child care, clothing, furniture and vehicles, unless accompanied by a letter of support from a medical professional. The professional must be able to provide a child-specific recommendation based on their professional designation and their knowledge of the Inuk child's specific needs
  • school-related requests, unless linked to the specific health, social or educational need of the Inuk child. Supports to school boards and private schools will be redirected to provincial or territorial school boards or district education authorities, or other existing provincial and federally-funded programs
  • automatic administrative fees within group requests, including salaries, service fees and overhead costs

Step 2. Who is eligible

All Inuit children, no matter where they live in Canada, can request funding through the Inuit Child First Initiative. They must be:


Step 3. Who to contact

Contact us to:

  • get more information about the Inuit Child First Initiative
  • request funding for an eligible product, service or support
  • get copies of forms
  • seek reimbursements
  • start an appeal

Contact your regional focal point or call the national call centre at 1-855-572-4453, which is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Step 4. Who can send requests

Requests can be submitted by:

A request for a group of children with similar needs from multiple families or guardians can be submitted by a:

Step 5. How to send a request

To start your request, contact us. We are here to help.

Having certain information ready when you contact us can help if you are seeking access to funding for a product, service or support.

Information to include with your request

1. Confirmation of eligibility

2. Completed application form for your request (contact us to get an application form)

  1. Please clearly explain how the requested product, service, or support will a. meet the child's specific health, social, or educational needs.
  2. Provide a detailed cost breakdown of requested products, services or supports.

3. Documentation

  1. All requests must be accompanied by a letter of support that shows how the requested product, service or support links directly to the child's unmet health, social or educational needs.
  2. Support letters must come from a health professional, educational professional, Elder or Knowledge Keeper who knows the child and can identify their needs.
  3. Professionals providing a letter of support must do so within their scope of practice.
  4. If you are requesting additional funding to extend services for the child, updated letters of support are required to support the child's changing needs or to demonstrate a need for continued supports or services.
  5. Include any relevant assessments or diagnoses.
  6. The application must explain how the child experienced gaps or delays in accessing government services, or has been denied an existing government service because of their identity as an Inuk child

4. Parent or guardian consent if you are submitting an application on behalf of the parent or guardian of the Inuk child.

  1. Additional documentation may be required

If you have any questions on how to submit an application for the Inuit Child First Initiative or need support in completing an application, please contact us.

Step 6. Processing requests

Your regional focal point will review the completed request. A decision will be sent to you in writing after the request is processed. If your request is denied, you may initiate an appeal anytime within one year from the date the request was denied.

Funding is provided for approved requests in one of two ways:

  1. We provide funding for the products, services or supports for the child or children directly to the vendor or services provider.
  2. If the family, guardian, child or authorized representative has already paid for the approved product, service or support, then reimbursement of these expenses will be provided.

Step 7. Reimbursements

Each child's situation is unique. For this reason it is important to confirm coverage with your regional focal point.

Requesting a reimbursement

Reimbursement may be provided if the approved product, service or support was paid for by the family or provided by a service provider or vendor.

A reimbursement form is needed:

  • to request reimbursement for costs paid
  • for service providers and vendors to request direct payment for services rendered

Follow these three steps to request a reimbursement:

  1. Contact us so we can help you start the process and confirm that the product, service or support will be funded.
  2. Complete a reimbursement form (we can send you the form and help you fill it in).
  3. Send the completed reimbursement form to your regional focal point, including all relevant supporting documents.

Receiving the payments

Requests for a child or children in the same family or with the same guardian:

  • the parent or guardian normally gets the payment if the child is under the age of majority in their province/territory of residence
  • children over age 16 may get the payment if they submitted the request
  • a vendor or service provider may be paid directly

Request for a group of children from multiple families or guardians:

  • payment will be made to the community or group that made the request
  • vendors or service providers may be paid directly for the approved services

Step 8. How to appeal decisions

If a request is denied, you may initiate an appeal anytime within one year of the date of denial. To do so, please send in a written request to your regional focal point, they will work with you throughout the process.

All requests for appeals must contain, at minimum:

Although it is not required to initiate an appeal, you may also include additional information, such as professional assessments, or information that summarizes the child's history and unique needs.

We aim to review the request within 30 business days.

Sending a request for appeal

An individual can appeal a decision if they are:

  • a parent or guardian of an Inuk child
  • an Inuk child above 16 years of age
  • an authorized representative of the child, parent or guardian

Requests for appeals for a group of children from multiple families or guardians can be submitted by:

  • the community or group that submitted the request

For more information

Please contact us if you have any questions.

You can also contact us by teletypewriter: 1-866-553-0554.

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