Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy: National Program Guidelines 2025 to 2026
Table of contents
Strategy introduction
These guidelines include specific criteria supporting the Terms and Conditions of the Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy.
These guidelines set out the delivery requirements for funding recipients that enter into a funding agreement with Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) for the delivery of the Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy.
These guidelines are effective as of April 1, 2025 and replace the Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy: National Guidelines 2024 to 2025.
These guidelines are to be read in conjunction with the terms and conditions and the funding agreement signed by the initial funding recipient.
Local operating guidelines
Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy initial recipients may issue local guidelines, provided they are consistent with the Terms and Conditions of the strategy and the requirements set out in these guidelines.
Requirements for local guidelines are listed below. All initial recipients commit, as part of the funding agreement, to providing prospective applicants with ready access to the local guidelines.
Local guidelines refer to guidelines developed by each initial recipient that are specific to their particular circumstance and jurisdiction.
Initial recipients who choose not to issue local guidelines must nonetheless deliver a clear application process for students applying, which includes:
- determining their eligibility
- prioritizing the allocation of strategy resources
Initial recipients must make available up-to-date local guidelines and information about the processes for students applying for financial support and publish these online throughout the year.
Local guidelines and processes must, at minimum, include, but are not limited to:
- the application process and requirements including all documentation required from applicant
- the process, including the assessment criteria, to determine eligibility and to prioritize the allocation of resources
- the funding process
- the rules and criteria for deferring applications in situations where there are more eligible applicants than funds available
- a formal appeals mechanism for students where the administrative decisions and appeal rulings are made at the local level, as students cannot appeal to ISC
- the requirements to remain eligible for financial support
- the maximum amount payable per student
- how to access the Terms and Conditions of the Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy and these guidelines on ISC's website
Eligible activities
Eligible activities include all those related to the following 4 components of the Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy:
- student financial support
- programs and services
- community engagement
- governance or national coordination
Activities may include, but are not limited to:
- student financial support
- transcript and application fees
- tuition and other student fees
- initial professional certification and examination fees
- books and supplies
- supplemental tutorial, guidance and counselling services
- living expenses, including for dependents, if applicable
- transportation support as needed
- expenses associated with travel home, including for dependents, as applicable
- child care as needed
- programs and services
- academic readiness and support
- wraparound services to students and their families such as mentorship or student-peer mentorship, Elder guidance, career counselling and student cultural support
- outreach and navigation services
- cultural education and life skills development
- information technology and remote location access to allow students the opportunity to complete distance education or online courses from their home communities
- community engagement
- local sessions for prospective students about post-secondary opportunities, course offerings and program eligibility
- facilitation of peer-to-peer transitions between prospective Inuit post-secondary students and alumni
- creation of awareness by showcasing and celebrating the success of alumni
- governance or national coordination
- data collection and management
- needs assessment and analysis
- engagement and partnerships
- management of processes and systems to support delivery
- development of culturally relevant content and curricula, as required
Funding approaches for initial recipients
Transfer payments to funding recipients of the Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy may be made using fixed contribution or flexible contribution depending on the recipient's eligibility and the service to be delivered.
The recipient retains the option to utilize set contribution funding as deemed appropriate.
The ISC officer responsible for the strategy can provide information on the eligibility requirements of these funding approaches and on the requirements related to the management of the funds.
The funding approach used to transfer funds to a recipient is identified in their signed funding agreement.
The following specific program directions for the management of transfer payments complement the directions provided in the recipient's signed funding agreement and are to be read in conjunction with the funding agreement.
Set contribution funding
Reallocation of funding:
- Reallocation of funds is not allowed with transfer payments made using set contribution
Fixed contribution funding
Reallocation of funding:
- During the fiscal year, recipients may reallocate funds among eligible activities and expenditures of each component of the strategy but not between the different components
Unexpended funding:
- Recipients may retain unexpended funding from a fiscal year, to expend in the 1 year period immediately following the fiscal year for which it was provided, on eligible activities and expenditures of any of the 4 components of the strategy
Flexible contribution funding
Reallocation of funding:
- During the fiscal year, recipients may reallocate funds among eligible activities and expenditures of each component of the strategy but not between the different components
Unexpended funding:
- Recipients may retain unexpended funding from a fiscal year, to expend in the 1 year period immediately following the fiscal year for which it was provided, on eligible activities and expenditures of any of the 4 components of the strategy
Reporting requirements
The recipients will be responsible for completing an annual report that will be submitted to ISC education representative at headquarters by June 30, 2025, that will cover some indicators that are stated in the strategy's Terms and Conditions.
The reporting requirements for program and financial reports and their respective due dates are listed in the recipient's funding agreement. Details on these requirements are available in the Reporting Guide.
Personal information
ISC's collection and use of personal information and other records for the purposes of targeted program reviews, for example, desk and on-site reviews is limited to what is necessary to ensure the strategy delivery requirements are met.
ISC is responsible for all information and records in its possession. The confidentiality of the information is managed by ISC in accordance with the Privacy Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. p-21 and other related policies on privacy.
Recipients are responsible for the protection of personal information as per applicable provincial privacy statutes and regulations, and the recipient's policies up to the point that the personal information is transferred to ISC.
ISC is committed to providing assistance to recipients in order to help them effectively carry out obligations under these guidelines and their funding agreements. ISC departmental contacts are available to answer questions and provide guidance related to ISC programs and strategies and funding.
Initial recipients must:
- deliver the strategy in accordance with the provisions of their funding agreement and the delivery requirements outlined in these guidelines
- ensure that the necessary management controls are in place to manage funding and monitor activities
- exercise due diligence when approving expenditures
- ensure that such expenditures are in accordance with the eligible expenditures set out in these guidelines
Contact information
To find out more about the program, visit:
You can also write to:
Education Branch
10 rue Wellington - Suite 1455, Mailstop 25E-19
Gatineau QC K1A 0H4