Emergency Management Assistance Program guidelines for the rental or purchase of air purifiers under emergency response and recovery funding

Find out if you can be reimbursed for renting or buying air filtration units for communities impacted by wildfire smoke.

During wildlfire response, the Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMAP) can support impacted First Nations on reserves manage poor air quality caused by wildfires by reimbursing costs associated with the rental or purchase, if rental is not an option of air filtration units, for example, air purifiers and air scrubbers under the following criteria:

As EMAP is intended to support at a broader community level, air filtration units rented or purchased for individual homes can only be considered on a case-by-case basis and in the following situations:

To learn more about EMAP eligibility and support for air filtration units for community space or individual homes, contact your ISC regional office.

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