Overview of Indigenous community infrastructure investments
Total Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) investments in Indigenous infrastructure projects by category, since April 2016.
Choose a topic
- Background
- Water and wastewater
- Housing
- School facilities
- Health
- Energy systems
- Connectivity
- Fire protection
- Roads and bridges
- Structural mitigation
- Culture and recreation
- Band administrative buildings
- Other community initiatives
- Solid waste management
- Transfer of service delivery
- Urban infrastructure
- Find infrastructure projects: Indigenous Community Infrastructure Map
There is a significant infrastructure gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in Canada. Infrastructure investments are a key element of the government's commitment to foster the growth of safe, healthy, and prosperous Indigenous communities and support Indigenous economic participation.
Since April 2016 and as of September 30, 2024, $14.43 billion of ISC targeted infrastructure funding has been invested toward 11,704 projects that support Indigenous community infrastructure.

Water and wastewater
Working in partnership with First Nations communities to improve on-reserve water and wastewater infrastructure and expand access to clean drinking water is a priority for Indigenous Services Canada.
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 1,415 water and wastewater-related infrastructure projects:
- 647 projects completed
- 768 projects ongoing
- 591 First Nations communities benefitting
- $4.47 billion of targeted funds has been invested to support ongoing and completed infrastructure projects related to water and wastewater, including:
- 140 new water and wastewater treatment plants or lagoons
- 970 renovations and upgrades to existing water and wastewater systems
- 169 feasibility study and design projects
- 136 supporting projects and initiatives, including training and capacity building
To learn more about the progress made on the Government of Canada's commitment to end long-term drinking water advisories on public systems on reserves, visit Ending long-term drinking water advisories.

To address on-reserve housing needs, Indigenous Services Canada works in partnership with the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation to support housing projects in First Nations communities including new builds, retrofits and renovations.
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 5,717 housing-related infrastructure projects:
- 2,937 projects completed
- 2,780 projects ongoing
- 611 First Nations communities benefitting
- $2.54 billion of targeted funds invested to support ongoing and completed housing-related infrastructure projects, including:
- 2,114 capacity development and innovation projects
- 1,542 new unit construction projects resulting in 6,821 homes
- 1,576 unit renovation and upgrade projects improving 14,006 homes
- 447 lot servicing and lot acquisition projects resulting in 3,866 lots
- 38 projects toward subdivisions and subdivision extensions

School facilities
Investments in school facilities in First Nations communities create quality, safe and healthy learning environments that provide positive educational outcomes for students living on reserves.
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 322 school facility projects:
- 189 projects completed
- 133 projects ongoing
- 319 First Nations communities benefitting
- $2.20 billion of targeted funds invested to support ongoing and completed school facility projects, including:
- 88 projects resulting in the construction of 75 new schools
- 192 projects resulting in renovations or upgrades to 158 existing schools
- 11 supporting projects and initiatives toward capacity building
- 31 feasibility study and design projects

Safe health facilities are essential to providing effective, sustainable and culturally appropriate health programs and services.
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 650 health-related infrastructure projects:
- 259 projects completed
- 391 projects ongoing
- 361 First Nations communities benefitting
- $979.8 million of targeted funds invested to support ongoing and completed health-related infrastructure projects, including:
- 99 health facility projects
- 38 addiction treatment centre projects
- 493 Aboriginal Head Start On Reserve program projects
- 20 other health infrastructure projects

Energy systems
Indigenous Services Canada is working in partnership with First Nations to transition communities from fossil fuel to clean, reliable and affordable energy systems. Investments include alternative energy projects such as solar, hydroelectric, and wind.
The department also supports communities to improve and optimize existing energy systems through upgrades and energy efficiency projects.
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 215 energy projects:
- 148 projects completed
- 67 projects ongoing
- 184 First Nations communities benefitting
- $1.86 billion of targeted funds invested

The Government of Canada is committed to helping First Nations communities bridge the digital divide by working with partners to provide access to high-speed internet that meets or exceeds the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)'s universal service objective.
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 55 connectivity projects:
- 34 projects completed
- 21 projects ongoing
- 292 First Nations communities benefitting
- $98.0 million of targeted funds invested

Fire protection
Fire protection is an essential service that can mean the difference between life and death. The Government of Canada is committed to working with First Nations and provincial, territorial and municipal partners to address fire protection on reserves.
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 363 fire protection projects:
- 243 projects completed
- 120 projects ongoing
- 458 First Nations communities benefitting
- $143.5 million of targeted funds invested

Roads and bridges
Indigenous Services Canada is working in partnership with First Nations and other stakeholders to build, repair, upgrade and maintain roads and bridges. These projects create lasting and positive outcomes that reach beyond the roads and allow communities to benefit from further infrastructure projects.
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 358 roads and bridges projects:
- 223 projects completed
- 135 projects ongoing
- 231 First Nations communities benefitting
- $663.9 million of targeted funds invested

Structural mitigation
Indigenous Services Canada is working with First Nations to increase the resilience of communities at high risk of impacts associated with climate-related hazards.
Structural mitigation projects include, among others:
- drainage work
- erosion protection
- landslide mitigation
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 142 structural mitigation projects:
- 79 projects completed
- 63 projects ongoing
- 273 First Nations communities benefitting
- $182.7 million of targeted funds invested

Culture and recreation
In First Nations communities, culture and recreation infrastructure can provide an important focal point for community activities.
Cultural and recreational facilities include:
- cultural centres
- pow-wow grounds
- youth and senior centres
- playgrounds
- sports fields and arenas
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 286 culture and recreation-related infrastructure projects:
- 255 projects completed
- 31 projects ongoing
- 219 First Nations communities benefitting
- $144.1 million of targeted funds invested

Band administrative buildings
Band administrative buildings are often flagship infrastructure where governance, administration and service delivery activities are conducted. Indigenous Services Canada is supporting First Nations in addressing long-standing needs related to band administrative buildings on reserves, including band offices, band council and administrative buildings.
The band administrative buildings category was added in late 2021 to record projects under this heading going forward. These projects were historically recorded under other infrastructure categories.
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 15 band administrative building projects:
- 3 projects completed
- 12 projects ongoing
- 15 First Nation communities benefitting
- $34.5 million of targeted funds invested

Other community initiatives
Indigenous Services Canada is investing in First Nations community initiatives to support community development and growth. This support includes investments in comprehensive community planning and skills development projects that will enable long-term, sustainable First Nations community development.
Other community initiatives include projects such as:
- community, land use and infrastructure planning
- capacity building
- ventilation condition reporting and upgrades
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 454 projects:
- 158 projects completed
- 296 projects ongoing
- 503 First Nations communities benefitting
- $84.3 million of targeted funds invested

Solid waste management
Infrastructure to manage solid waste is critical to protecting the environment and human health, while also enhancing economic opportunities available to communities.
Indigenous Services Canada is working to support First Nations with investments in solid waste management including:
- constructing or upgrading waste infrastructure
- waste management planning and programming
- disposing of solid waste
- improving waste management capacity
- decommissioning existing solid waste sites
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 1,280 solid waste management-related infrastructure projects:
- 977 solid waste management projects completed
- 303 projects ongoing
- 610 First Nations communities benefitting
- $644.5 million of targeted funds invested to support solid waste management projects, including:
- 519 waste management infrastructure projects
- 161 feasibility study and design projects
- 600 supporting projects and initiatives

Transfer of service delivery
The transfer of service delivery supports Indigenous communities and organizations in independently delivering services by building capacity and readiness, thereby promoting self-determination.
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 263 infrastructure projects related to the transfer of service delivery
- 122 projects completed
- 141 projects ongoing
- 583 communities benefitting
- $173.1 million of targeted funds invested to support transfer of service delivery projects and initiatives, including:
- 216 Asset Management Program projects
- 19 housing and infrastructure service transfer initiatives
- 27 Indigenous Homes Innovation Initiative projects
- 1 project supporting the National Indigenous Fire Safety Council

Urban infrastructure
Indigenous Services Canada investments in urban Indigenous infrastructure are allocated to and managed by urban and rural Indigenous service delivery organizations. Funding is used to support First Nations, Inuit and Métis living in or transitioning to urban centres by helping to ensure safe and accessible facilities.
The following organizations manage urban infrastructure projects supported by Indigenous Services Canada investments:
- National Association of Friendship Centres
- Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres
- Métis National Council
- Manitoba Métis Federation
- Inuit organizations
- other not-for-profit urban and rural Indigenous service organizations
Investments in urban infrastructure aim to ensure safe and accessible spaces for program and service delivery by supporting capital projects that focus on essential health and safety, accessibility and energy efficiency.
Progress to date
As of September 30, 2024:
- 169 infrastructure projects related to urban infrastructure:
- 110 projects completed
- 59 projects ongoing
- $204.8 million of targeted funds invested to support urban Indigenous infrastructure projects, including:
- 55 major projects (projects with a cost greater than $1 million)
- includes building purchases, new constructions, renovations, upgrades and expansions
- 114 minor projects (projects with a cost up to $1 million)
- includes energy efficiency projects, retrofits, repairs, plumbing and electrical, interior renovations, etc.
- 55 major projects (projects with a cost greater than $1 million)