Do you have a will?

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Did you know?
- our website has information about planning your estate
- your will differs if you live on or off a reserve
- the Indian Act outlines what should be included in your will
- you can only gift the land you possess on a reserve to someone who is a member of your First Nation
- you can change your will as often as you like
- writing a will doesn’t have to be complicated or costly
Less than 9% of First Nations peoples living on a reserve have a will when they pass away.
Why make a will?
- to provide for your loved ones, children and grandchildren
- to decide who will get your home and property
- to clearly state who should receive your possessions
- to name who will take care of your children and dependents
- to leave instructions for end-of-life ceremonies
- to name who will take care of your estate
A will can provide peace of mind and clear direction about your wishes to your family and loved ones.
To find out more, visit Estate services for First Nations.