Trust moneys

Find out how First Nations can manage their moneys in trust. Learn about Indigenous Services Canada's (ISC) responsibility to manage moneys held in trust for First Nations and their members.

You might have money in trust

To find out more, visit Minors Account Payout Initiative.

Service delay notice

The Individual Trust Account program is experiencing a higher-than-usual volume of applications. As a result, processing times may be longer. Learn more about individual trust accounts and how they are managed.

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What are trust moneys

Trust moneys are all moneys collected, received or held in trust by ISC for the use and benefit of First Nations and their members. Trust moneys are held in the Consolidated Revenue Fund, where public moneys are deposited, as defined under the Financial Administration Act.

There are 2 types of trust moneys:

Individual moneys

Indigenous Services Canada's (ISC) manages individual moneys on behalf of registered minors under the Indian Act, dependent adults (based on a provincial designation as such), and estates of certain deceased individuals. These moneys are administered and accessed through the Estates Program according to sections 42 to 52 of the Indian Act.

Registered minors

An individual trust account holds certain moneys for a minor until they reach the age of majority in the province, territory or place of residence, at which time the account balance is paid to them and the account is closed. Individual trust accounts are usually established in one of two situations:

  • When the Minister exercises jurisdiction over property of a minor
  • When a First Nation requests ISC to retain a minor's share of per capita distributions

Trust accounts administered by ISC on behalf of minors accrue interest until they are paid out. To learn more, visit Who is a minor?

The Minors Account Payout Initiative was established to pay individuals who have a trust account with ISC and have reached the age of majority in their province, territory or place of residence. To learn more, visit Minors Account Payout Initiative.

Dependent adults

If a member of a First Nation, who ordinarily lives on reserve, is found incapable of handling their own financial affairs, ISC may establish an account for them and manage their day-to-day income and expenses. These accounts accrue interest.


Where a First Nation member, who ordinarily lives on reserve, dies, the Minister has exclusive jurisdiction over the estate. ISC may appoint an outside administrator (provincial officer, family member, etc.) or, as a last resort, appoint an ISC employee to administer the estate. Estate trust accounts are established by ISC as required in order to administer the estate. Estate trust accounts are entitled to interest, with the exception of accounts established for missing heirs.

For more information, visit Estate services for First Nations.

First Nation moneys

First Nation moneys are managed by ISC on behalf of First Nations according to sections 61 to 69 of the Indian Act, which outline ISC's responsibilities for the collection, maintenance, disbursement and accounting of these moneys.

There are 2 types of First Nation moneys:

Capital moneys

Capital moneys are trust moneys that come from the sale of the First Nation's surrendered lands, from an interest in the land, or from the sale of the First Nation's non-renewable resources.

Examples of capital moneys include proceeds from:

  • Oil and gas revenues
  • Sale of a First Nation's reserve lands
  • Sale of timber without a reforestation program
  • Sale of gravel

Revenue moneys

Revenue moneys include all other First Nation moneys other than capital moneys.

Examples of revenue moneys include proceeds from:

  • The sale of renewable resources
  • Reserve land activities such as leases, permits and rights-of-way
  • Fines
  • Interest earned on capital and revenue moneys held by ISC

How First Nations can access and manage their moneys

First Nations have various options for accessing their trust funds, including exercising more access than currently provided by the Indian Act alone:

Visit the various acts or the Manual for the administration of First Nation moneys to learn more.

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